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Should You Join Our 12 Week Demand Generation Course?

Episode 142

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We’ve shared our 5 BEs Demand Generation Framework with you in over 140 episodes of The B2B Playbook. That’s our ‘free, easy’ way for marketers to get started learning about what a Demand Generation program should really look like.

But working out exactly how to implement a Demand Generation engine in your business is going to take time and considerable effort – often outside of your regular working hours.

Even if you set out with the best intentions, Demand Generation programs are often interrupted by day-to-day requests and activities and get pushed down the priority list. But the truth is – until you have a Demand Generation program running for your business, your marketing will forever be reactive. You will never get off that hamster wheel. And you’ll never consistently contribute to pipeline.

That’s why Kevin and I created our Demand Generation Course – The B2B Incubator. In this program, we give you the strategy, templates and tools to build your own Demand Generation engine in 12 weeks. The feedback has been amazing, and we’re so proud of the results our marketers are driving from the program (but more on that later).

Today we’re going to share more about our Demand Gen Course, The B2B Incubator to help you decide if it’s right for you or not.

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What is Our Demand Generation Course?

The B2B Incubator (our Demand Gen Course) is our program that gives you the strategy, templates and tools to build your Demand Generation Engine in 12 weeks.

It helps marketers either (A) put together their Demand Generation program for the first time, or (B) helps them plug the gaps and refine their existing one.

It also comes with Live Q&As with myself (George Coudounaris) to answer any question you may have on the way.

You can see more details on EXACTLY what you’ll learn and do in our demand generation course here.

Who Is Our Demand Generation Course For?

The program is built for:

  • B2B Marketing Managers
  • Demand Generation Marketers
  • Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs)
  • B2B Marketing Consultants
  • Heads of Marketing or Growth

Often the marketers are busy with their day-to-day marketing activities: reacting to requests from the business, servicing sales, and running their own discrete marketing programs. But marketers who join our program understand that if they want to consistently contribute revenue to their business, they need to have a long-term demand generation program in place.

The marketers normally have limited time and budget too to implement this program too – so it is designed to be as efficient as possible.

What Outcomes Has The Program Achieved?

We’re proud to say The B2B Incubator continues to have a great impact both on the careers of the marketers who join, and the businesses they work in.

Teams have gone from the marketing function largely supporting sales, to now marketing driving up to 80% of pipeline for the business (thanks to the Demand Generation Engine they built in the program).

At minimum you will finish the 12 week program with a documented Demand Generation strategy that covers:

  • A deep understanding of your target customers
  • How to create demand and build relationships with your target customers
  • How to accelerate the demand of your target customers and turn them into paying ones

This allows you to execute the program gradually either using internal or external resources. Demand generation is a marathon, not a sprint. The key is to break it down into repeatable, sustainable actions.

Marketers have also used the program to feel more confident in their strategy, and to train up their internal team on demand generation fundamentals.

We do also train up large teams of marketers (from larger companies) so they can all understand the fundamentals of Demand Generation. It’s our belief that Demand Generation is based on sound, fundamental B2B marketing principles that so many marketers (both senior and junior) are missing. By participating in our program, they’re more easily able to understand how their discrete role plays into the overall picture of marketing. This makes marketing a unit that is far more aligned to business outcomes.

How Does The Demand Generation Course Work?

There are two ways to join The B2B Incubator program. You can either join a small cohort of marketers and go through the program in 12 weeks. Alternatively, your whole team (marketing + sales) can go through the program over a 3-6 month period.

There’s more detail on each of these below.

Joining The B2B Incubator – Cohort Details

If you choose this option, you’ll go through our Demand Generation course in a small cohort of B2B marketers (no more than 10). Over 12 weeks, you will:

  • Watch the video materials provided (available on-demand)
  • Execute the strategy in your own business with our templates and tools
  • Attend the Live Q&As every 2 weeks to discuss your implementation

This is a great option for B2B marketers that love learning in a group environment with like-minded people. You’ll also have the opportunity to interact with your cohort, and of course ask us questions in the Live Q&As.

You can email your questions in advance of the Live Q&As to ask a question specific to your own business. We will then come to the Live Q&A and address that question. If you turn up to the Live Q&A, we can have an ongoing discussion around it.

There are 6x Live Q&As over the 12 weeks.

We also have a 1:1 catch-up with every single marketer who goes through the program 3 months after the conclusion of the program. Why? Because marketers have had a lot of success in the program, and we’re very proud of our framework. So we want to make sure there is no stone left unturned and no questions remaining when it comes to applying the framework to your business.

Many of our alumni have remained close to others from their cohort, continuing to share wins, challenges, and everything else that comes up in their day as a B2B marketer.

Joining The B2B Incubator – Train Up Your Whole Team

If you have a larger marketing team and would like to either:

(A) train them up on demand generation, or
(B) work more closely with us to guide you in building your demand generation engine

Our program can be rolled out for whole teams – including marketing and sales to drive total alignment.

Here’s how it works:

  • Your whole team participates in The B2B Incubator program (can be marketing + sales)
  • All program materials are available on demand from our special platform
  • Your team get 12 x 1:1 Q&A sessions with me
  • Your Live Q&A sessions are recorded available on our platform for future reference

This program goes for 12-24 weeks. The pace is based on the capacity of your team to get through the program, and can be adjusted.

The additional benefits of the One-to-One version beyond the group discount is (a) the whole team can attend the live calls and get their own access to the platform, (b) the additional live 1:1 sessions, (c) the Live Q&A sessions can go further into the weeds and discuss tactical implementation in your business.

You also keep access to the program materials beyond its conclusion and the Live Sessions. This can be used for future reference and for training up and new, future marketers.

Why You’re Guaranteed Success

There is no ‘silver bullet’ when it comes to B2B marketing. If you come across someone who is trying to tell you different, please run for the hills. B2B marketing that grows the business requires consistent execution of a well-informed plan. This program will show you how to create that plan, and hold you accountable for doing it. It will also show you how to execute that plan.

Here’s what we do to guarantee your success in the program:

  1. The Live Q&As are designed to answer any question you might have when it comes to the tactical execution of the program. It’s also designed to hold you accountable to ensure you’re continuing to progress through the program and work through the activities.
  2. The cohorts are small which allows you time to ask as many questions as you need. It also gives you an opportunity to properly connect with peers in the program, and share how you’re implementing the demand generation framework in your own business.
  3. We have a 1:1 check-in with every single participant of the program 3 months after it’s conclusion. This is to ensure that you have no questions remaining when it comes to implementing the framework, and got as much out of the program as possible.

We’re very proud of the program and the results that marketers have achieved with it. So we want to make sure there’s no stone left unturned when it comes to implementing our framework in your business.

Reviews From Marketers About The Program

All of the reviews of the program are either completely unsolicited, or are gathered from honest customer feedback sessions.

See below review from Head of Marketing, Ryan McIntyre.

Linked here is an independent review from B2B Marketer Pallavi Dhody. Pallavi is a highly skilled marketer, and has worked inhouse, previously built and sold her own company, and now runs her own B2B consultancy.

Below are other reviews from B2B marketers, with their comments taken from customer interviews. There’s a lot here, so make sure you scroll through them!

I’m always happy to connect you to alumni of the program to hear about their experience first hand. Please reach out to me on LinkedIn here and I can connect you to someone in a similar situation/with a similar job title that has been through the program.

When does the Next Cohort Launch?

The cohorts run 4x per year, with launch dates typically being:

  • February
  • May
  • August
  • November

If you start the program and something urgent comes up and you can no longer commit time to us, let us know and we will push you to another cohort in the future.

If you choose the option where we work 1:1 with your organisation and we train your whole team, we can launch when it suits you.

How Do You Apply?

If you would like to apply for a cohort in the future or want us to work 1:1 with your team, please fill out our application page here. Don’t worry, it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes!

Need a Business Case to Send To Your Boss?

We have a few handy resources to send to your boss if you want to get approval to participate in the program.

Linked here is the two pager on the program, what’s involved, and why it’s a benefit to the organization.

And linked here is our guide to creating a more in-depth business case for Demand Generation. You can download all the templates to build this business case below too!

Ready to Join Right Now?

Ready to The B2B Incubator program right now? Fill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you very soon!

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Episode 142