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#10: Defining & Documenting Your Dream Customers – The B2B Playbook

Episode 10

Play episode

Things should be sounding crispy this week!

At least to us anyway! Kev’s been able to kick a nagging ear infection and George has a new microphone and headphone setup for recording. George is even adding a digital gripes segment!

We’re continuing the journey of getting the basics right for your B2B SME. This week look at how to define and document your dream customers.

It’s a crucial step that is often rushed. We help you get to the level of detail you need to build a solid foundation quickly with a few practical tips on what to look for and how to get it.

It’s a fun episode where the information comes thick and fast. So be sure to join us!

Links to things discussed during the episode:

The 4 Hour Work Week – by Tim Ferriss

Dream Customer Avatar template available at

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Episode 10